• Visual Studio 2017

    Visual Studio 2017 was recently released and this is a quick overview of my favorite features and how you can get started! First of all, start by downloading Visual Studio. At Caspeco we use the Enterprise version because we are Microsoft Partners, but you can also download the free Community edition. The installation took quite some time on my laptop but you can pick which parts of the IDE you want (Web developement, SQL and Xamarin support etc) which will speed it up.

  • Upcoming: Uppsala Tech Meetup, #16 Linux

    We have the pleasure to host the Uppsala Tech Meetup at the Caspeco Office, Tuesday, March 7, 2017 6:30 PM. We’re located at Dragarbrunnsgatan 50A, Uppsala As a .NET shop we’re looking forward to learn a bunch about Linux and we’re especially excited to have people from Microsoft coming over and sharing their thoughts on Linux. Join the meetup here: https://www.meetup.com/Uppsala-Tech-Meetup/events/237695387/ Agenda Welcome to an evening about Linux! 18:30 Coffee & Networking

  • Windows $PATH and Command Line tips

    As a developer I spend quite some time in the windows command line. This is a setup I use to make life in the command line easier. 1. Create a C:\dev folder for easy access to random tools I keep all my small developer tools like ngrok, git-bash, hugo.exe and set-path.ps1 here. So whenever you download something that’s conveniant to have around, I put the .exe/.ps1/.bat in my C:\dev.

  • Tips & Trix for Bash on Ubuntu on Windows

    At Caspeco we do a lot of development in .NET - a platform that runs well on Windows. We also do some development that runs better in a *NIX environment. For example, many javascript related tools are written with a bash shell in mind. Since the Windows 10 Anniversary Update, you can run Ubuntu on the windows kernel with the WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux). Announcement blog post by Ubuntu 30 Tips and trix for WSL, Channel9 Crowdsourced tips, trix and guides We and the community have gathered some helpful tips to get running on this git repo: abergs/ubuntuonwindows.