We have the pleasure to host the Uppsala Tech Meetup at the Caspeco Office, Tuesday, March 7, 2017 6:30 PM. We’re located at Dragarbrunnsgatan 50A, Uppsala
As a .NET shop we’re looking forward to learn a bunch about Linux and we’re especially excited to have people from Microsoft coming over and sharing their thoughts on Linux.
Join the meetup here: https://www.meetup.com/Uppsala-Tech-Meetup/events/237695387/
Welcome to an evening about Linux!
18:30 Coffee & Networking
19:00 What is Linux? From floppy to SSD. - Johannes Ridderstedt (46elks)
19:20 Microsoft loves Linux! What does this mean? - Dag König & Alexander Young (Microsoft)
20:00 The FOSS & Linux landscape - Josef Andersson (Uppsala Linux User Group)
21:30 Doors close
We hope to see you for some Linux love, ping pong and pool table!